Thursday, July 1, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Bathing on the beach

I arrived as Redington Shores beach to find gray clouds lingering around one night after work last week. I had about 30 minutes before it started to rain. At least the weather cooled off.

For more skyscape photography from around the world, visit

There was a puddle of water close to the shore line from the high tide earlier. The gulls and terns seemed to have fun taking a bath in the puddle. They were so busy dunking under the water and preening themselves that they didn't seem to mind me sitting down in front of them and taking pictures. After they finished, they flew around to get the excess water off. At that point it started to rain so they were going to get soaked anyway. It was time for me to go home.


  1. I just love your bird shots!
    I guess those overcast skies provided the best light, too.

  2. The light is beautiful, it makes the colour of the grass appear to be very golden. Very nice bird shots too.

  3. Beautiful SkyWatch photo
    have a good weekend

  4. I LOVE the sea grasses along Florida's beaches. What beautiful scenes they create for the lens!

  5. the bird shots are wonderful but my favorite is the first photo. it's gorgeous!

  6. your sky photo is amazing...
    such wonderful soothing colors and such a nice angle.

  7. beautiful Dina...I particularly love the golden sea grasses against the sky.
