The resident osprey was eating lunch on my neighbor's dock. He usually eats on the sailboat mast but it was raining and really windy so he moved down to the dock.
He was tearing that fish apart. Yum!
Then I noticed a night heron on my other neighbor's dock in the pouring rain. This was taken through the dining room window on the other side of the house.
Wet birds eating bird seed on ground. One seemed to be leaning on a grapefruit that had fallen off the tree.
Mockingbird in the tree.
The doves were all fluffed up from the rain.
A first that I've seen in my backyard. I'm going with a yellow throated warbler. It was hard to get a decent picture of him through the window. It was raining and he was hiding in all of those dead branches. But I was so excited to see him there.
Resting on a branch.
Two weekends ago I was sick. Out cold for 3 days with a sinus infection and sore throat. I picked a good weekend to get sick though, it rained most of the time so I probably would not have been out in a park anyway. Every couple of hours I would drag myself off the couch and peak out the window to see if there were any birds in the backyard. At least I had some interesting things come to visit. All of the above were taken through the window, which I need to clean since the rain is making them dirty again. Maybe this weekend.
Also, check out more birds at