Wild great blue heron stalking the cheetah pond. I've seen one there several times. The food must be good.
I had Monday off so I went to the zoo in the morning. I figured there wouldn't be a lot of people there. I was right. There were also a few animals missing. Keepers were busy cleaning pens so a handfull of animals were not out including the baby rhino and the tigers which I specifically came to see. Lots of birds there though. They have several aviaries that you can walk around and see the birds up close. It's funny to see the wildlife there always looking for a handout. The manatee pools always have pelicans, egrets and herons hanging around wanting to be fed. The penguin pool always has a flock of wild ibis trying to steal fish. There are ducks with babies swimming around the primate pools. I guess if I was a wild animal I would hang out at the zoo as well.