Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lunch time at Circle B Bar Reserve

Spoonbill got a big one!

Ibis caught a fish.

This ibis took his catch up into a tree.

Another ibis eating.

My visit this past weekend to the Circle B Bar Reserve was a bird eating festival. I saw one ibis eat 3 fish in a row. How can they fit all of that in their tiny bodies? There were counts of over 1000 each of ibis, storks and egrets. Not sure how long they will stay there. I've heard that last winter white pelicans were living in the lake there so I can't wait to see if they come back again this year. I also saw a group of glossy ibis out in a field but they were pretty far away to get decent pictures. I plan to get back there in the next couple of weeks to look for the eagles.

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