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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Skywatch Friday - Sunset at Fort Desoto
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Belted Kingfisher
I found this beautiful belted kingfisher on one of the boardwalks at John Chesnut Park in Pinellas County. The portrait was taken from very far away and was extremely cropped. I've found that they are very skittish and will not stick around while you try and get decent pictures. Later that morning while I was walking to the other end of the boardwalk, I heard it chattering as it flew by and then stopped right in front of me and started to dive for a fish. I always feel like I don't have such luck. I missed him hitting the water since it was hidden by mangroves where I was standing but a few seconds later I saw him take off so I'm assuming he got his meal.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sundown on Gandy beach
I stopped by Gandy beach on the way home one day last week. I left work late so I barely had any time before it got dark. There were still a handful of people there. The reason the skimmers in the above picture were flying over my head was because there were 2 guys there on 3 wheeler dirt bikes. They thought it was fun to drive up to the shoreline and scare the birds away. As I was headed for the end of the beach where most of the birds were, they flew past me and drove through the shorebirds trying to go to sleep. They knew I was not happy. How would they like it if I came to their house and drove a dirt bike through at 6am and woke them up?
Otherwise, it was a nice night out but clouds moved in just as the sun was going down so no sunset shots on this trip.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sawgrass Lake Park
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Zoo animals
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Skywatch Friday - Kayaking North Tampa Bay
I looked out the window last weekend and saw beautiful blue skies. Hubby wanted to watch sports on tv so I opted for a paddle around the channels in our neighborhood. I've never seen spoonbills in the mangroves near our channel so I was surprised to find the above sitting in the bushes when I paddled by.
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Coming back into the main channel, the above spoonbills were walking around. It was a very productive spoony day!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wild things at the zoo

I'm probably one of the only people that goes to the zoo and looks for non-zoo animals. There's always a lot of wildlife hanging around zoos. It's a good place to steal a handout. I almost always find the above great blue heron hanging out at the pond at the cheetah exhibit. He's eating the little fish that live in that pond. Usually, I find tons of wild water birds but a recent visit only provided a few. The above yellow flowers where covered in little critters and the zoo was still full of grasshoppers eating their way through the plants.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ruddy turnstone is missing feet.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
North Beach Sanctuary
White morph Reddish egret walking away.
The bird sanctuary from behind the ropes.
There's tons of room for these birds but they seem to like to stand very close together. I guess it's the old "safety in numbers" theory.
A large part of the north beach at Fort Desoto in front of the big lagoon is roped off. It's been nicknamed the North Beach Sanctuary. The Audubon put a large wooden deck in the middle of the lagoon hoping least terns would nest on it. I don't think they had any luck this year. Maybe by next year the terns will be used to it and nest on it. The roped off area is pretty big so it's hard to get any specific bird pictures unless they wander outside the area. The above long billed curlew and black bellied plover were walking around outside the roped off area but still far away from the regular tourist. I'm glad the birds have nice beach front property away from the kids and dogs running after them. A lot of these birds are migrating and only stopping over for a couple of days so they need their rest.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Skywatch Friday - Almost dark at Fort Desoto.
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Two more pictures of Fort Desoto at sunset. I think this was 2 Tuesdays ago. It looks like in the middle picture that there was almost no one on the beach. I'm going to try and get there again at least once before the time changes and then it will be dark when I get off work.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dolphins at the fishing pier.
It's very rare that I don't see at least one dolphin at the fishing pier at Fort Desoto. On a recent trip after work I got to the pier right before dark so I could get some sunset pictures. There must have been at least 10-15 dolphins swimming around the pier. They were everywhere and some where coming right up to the pier. They try and steal the fish from the fishermen. The fishermen get really mad when they think they have a big one on the line and the dolphin comes up and steals it. I can't really tell if the dolphins are grabbing the end of the fish or the whole fish and hook. If so, I would hate to think how many hooks those dolphins have in their stomachs. It's got to make them sick. I have seen the men reel in a half eaten fish before but sometimes it comes back without the hook.